It started as an infected Word document that was posted up on the alt.sex usenet group, claiming to be a list of passwords for pornographic sites. Named after an exotic dancer from Florida, it was created by David L. A total of 1-2 million servers were affected, which is amazing when you consider there were 6 million IIS servers at the time.
Memez virus download Patch#
A patch was later released and it was estimate that it caused $2 billion in lost productivity. The most memorable symptom is the message it leaves behind on affected web pages, "Hacked By Chinese!", which has become a meme itself. It also allows backdoor access to the server, allowing for remote access to the machine. It will then launch a denial of service attack on several IP address, famous among them was the attack on the White House website. Once infected, it will proceed to make a hundred copies of itself but due to a bug in the programming, it will duplicate even more and ends up eating a lot of the systems resources. It leaves very little trace on the hard disk as it is able to run entirely on memory, with a size of 3,569 bytes. The worm targeted computers with Microsoft IIS web server installed, exploiting a buffer overflow problem in the system.
Memez virus download code#
It was named Code Red because the the pair were drinking Code Red Mountain Dew at the time of discovery. Code RedĬode Red first surfaced on 2001 and was discovered by two eEye Digital Security employees. This led to the enactment of the E-Commerce Law to address the problem.

The two were never charged, as there were no laws about malware. Once clicked, it will send itself to everyone in the user’s mailing list and proceed to overwrite files with itself, making the computer unbootable. The attachment was actually a script that poses as a TXT file, due to Windows at the time hiding the actual extension of the file. What it did was use social engineering to get people to click on the attachment in this case, a love confession. The virus was created by two Filipino programers, Reonel Ramones and Onel de Guzman. It was so bad that governments and large corporations took their mailing system offline to prevent infection. 10% of the world’s computers were believed to have been infected. It managed to wreck havoc on computer systems all over the world with around $10 billion worth of damages.

ILOVEYOU is considered one of the most virulent computer virus ever created. We are all tired of our PC getting infected or compromised but truth is sometimes, instead of having.